Friday 3 November 2017

Mini NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo is among us! Even if you have trouble pronouncing it, like we do, if you're a writer you have probably come across National Novel Writing Month. This month long initiative aims to get writers creating an entire 50,000 word novel over the month of November.

While you don't write your novel on the NaNoWriMo site, you do update your word count, get trophies and, if you get to the 50,000 word target, you upload your novel to the site to win (we are not sure what you win, apart from the sense of satisfaction and the fact that you've just written a novel in a month - go you!).

We can't take part in NaNoWriMo this month, mainly because we're already 20,000 odd words through our book and also because we can't commit to such massive word count.

However, we CAN commit to our own MiniNaNoWriMo! We've decided to write a MASSIVE 5,000 words (between us!) over November.

Will we do it? Will we fall at the first hurdle? How will we keep our motivation going? It's taken us years to get to the 20,000 point, so there is no guarantees we won't find ourself procrastinating at any point possible.

There's a lot of great tips, tricks and resources, both on the NaNoWriMo site and elsewhere, that we will be sharing throughout the month.

We'll keep you updated on our MiniNaNoWriMo word count on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus

Are you doing your own NaNoWriMo? Or even a MiniNaNoWriMo? Let us know and share your journey!

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